# WebShare API

The WebShare API (opens new window).

# Parameters

import { useShare } from "vue-composable";

Parameters Type Required Default Description
data NavigatorShareData false undefined An object containing data to share. Info (opens new window)

# State

The useShare function exposes the following reactive state:

import { useShare } from "vue-composable";

const { supported, shared, cancelled } = useShare();
State Type Description
supported Boolean Is supported - compatibility table (opens new window)
shared Ref<Boolean> Has been shared
cancelled Ref<Boolean> Has been cancelled by the user

# Methods

The useShare function exposes the following methods:

import { useShare } from "vue-composable";

const { share, canShare } = useShare();
Signature Description
share Shares data. Return Promise
canShare returns true or false

# Example

Supported: false

Can't share

Shared false
Cancelled false

# Code

          <td colspan="2">
              <b>{{ supported }}</b>
            <label for="title">Title</label>
            <input name="title" v-model="data.title" />
            <label for="text">Text</label>
            <input name="text" v-model="data.text" />
            <label for="url">URL</label>
            <input name="url" v-model="data.url" />
            <p v-if="canShare(data)">You can share</p>
            <p v-else>Can't share</p>
            <button @click="share(data)">Share</button>
          <td>{{ shared }}</td>

          <td>{{ cancelled }}</td>

import { useShare } from "vue-composable";
import { defineComponent, reactive } from "@vue/composition-api";

export default defineComponent({
  name: "share-example",
  setup() {
    const data = reactive({
      url: "https://pikax.me/vue-composable",
      text: "Built with ❤️",
      title: "You need to use this, just amazing"

    const { supported, share, canShare, shared, cancelled } = useShare();

    return {
