# useSharedRef

Share the same value across multiple tabs (within the same origin) in the same browser.


This relies on BroadcastChannel API. Safari doesn't support it.


You can use short version refShared

# Parameters

import { useSharedRef } from "vue-composable";

const sharedRef = useSharedRef(name, defaultValue?);
Parameters Type Required Default Description
name String true Name of the BroadcastChannel
defaultValue T false undefined Default value

# State

The useSharedRef function exposes the following reactive state:

import { useSharedRef } from "vue-composable";

const { supported, id, data, master, mind, editable, targets } = useSharedRef();
State Type Description
supported boolean Returns true if BroadcastChannel API is supported
id number Id of the reference
data Ref<T> Value
mind Ref<RefSharedMessageType> This describes on how this ref interacts with other tabs check
master Ref<boolean> If this instance is master instance
editable Ref<boolean> If this instance is editable
targets Ref<number[]> Connected ref

# Methods

The useSharedRef function exposes the following methods:

import { useSharedRef } from "vue-composable";

const { ping, setMind, addListener } = useSharedRef();
Signature Description
ping() sends a ping to listeners
setMind(MindMode) sets all the listeners to the same mode
addListener adds a callback to Broadcast Channel message

# Information

# Mind

This is how the multiple tabs interact with each other, is possible to have two modes:

  • 0: Hive (default)
  • 1: Master
const { setMind } = useSharedRef();
// javascript
setMind(0); // set mind to HIVE
setMind(1); // set mind to MASTER

// typescript
import { SharedRefMind } from "vue-composable";
setMind(SharedRefMind.HIVE); // set mind to HIVE
setMind(SharedRefMind.MASTER); // set mind to MASTER


When a useSharedRef(id) is called it will try to sync with other tabs, setMind only needs to set in one intance.


This interaction allows the ref to be updated by everyone. If you have 5 tabs open every tab is allowed to update and everyone will sync to the latest modified value.


This interaction only allows the master to send updates to the other tabs. In master mode if the reference is not master the data value changes will be ignored


If you want to change the master instance, please call setMind(1) on the instance you want to control, this will update all of the other.


If the master instance gets destroyed (the component unmounted or tab closed) a new master will be assigned automatically (it will be the oldest instance)

# Example

Supported: false

Mind: HIVE

IsMaster: false

targets: 0

# Code

    <p>Supported: {{ supported }}</p>
      Mind: {{ mindDescription }} <button @click="changeMind">Change</button>
    <p>IsMaster: {{ master }}</p>

    <input v-model="data" :disabled="!editable" />

    <p>targets: {{ targets.length }}</p>

import { useSharedRef } from "vue-composable";
import { computed } from "@vue/composition-api";

export default {
  name: "shared-ref-example",
  setup() {
    const sharedRef = useSharedRef("test-shared-ref", 0);

    const mindDescription = computed(() => {
      switch (sharedRef.mind.value) {
        case 0:
          return "HIVE";
        case 1:
          return "MASTER";

    const changeMind = () => {
      sharedRef.setMind((sharedRef.mind.value + 1) % 2);

    return {

# refShared

Short version, this uses useSharedRef in HIVE mode.

# Parameters

import { refShared } from "vue-composable";

const refShared = refShared(defaultValue?, id?);
Parameters Type Required Default Description
defaultValue T false undefined Default value
id String false undefined BroadcastChannel name, if not provided it will get be default getCurrentInstance().$vnode.tag this will allow have 1 shared reference per component

# State

The refShared function returns a reactive ref variable:

import { refShared } from "vue-composable";

const myShared = useSharedRef();

# Example

To test please open 2 or more tabs and edit the input box

# Code

# Code

      To test please open 2 or more tabs and edit the input box
    <input v-model="myRefVar" />

import { refShared } from "vue-composable";
export default {
  name: "ref-shared-example",
  setup() {
    const myRefVar = refShared("Hello world");
    return { myRefVar };